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Setting up Angular2 CLI with Maven in enterprise network

Setting up Angular2 CLI with Maven in enterprise network

Working with Angular2 CLI is easy - you just wait for npm to download the Internet and afterwards and then ng will take care of all your tooling setup.

Not so much if at your workplace you’re running Windows, your network has NTLM-based firewall and your project is actually Java-based one built with Maven.

Even if the proxy for NPM can be configured via npm set or http_proxy environment variable, npm does not support no_proxy clause, so the things would start failing if you want to consume your own packages.

Needed infrastructure

Instead, we will use Nexus 3. We will install it on a server, that has reasonable access to Internet (e. g. no auth, or service user autorization to proxy), and it will do the proxying for all things NodeJS and NPM we need.

For running NPM as part of our Maven build, we’ll use Frontend Maven Plugin. It will take care of installing node, npm and project dependencies for us, and also for our CI build.

Maven module structure

We will lay out our modules in following way:

parent (pom)
\_ app-backend (war module)
\_ app-frontend (war module)
    \_ node (js project)

Module app-frontend will invoke npm build in directory app-frontend/node. I tried to be Maven compatible here at first, but it wasn’t really helping when trying to open the JS project in the IDE. Maven will then pack the result of npm into a .war file.

In case you want to deploy single artifact, app-backend may depend on app-frontend and the build result will be then copied to backend .war.

Setting up proxies in Nexus

After you install nexus and verify that it is able to download artifacts you will need following repositories.

Repo Name Type Remote path Note


npm (Proxy)

We actually use group, along with our release repository, but this is minimal setup needed


raw (Proxy)

For downloading node binaries


raw (Proxy)

node-sass binaries


raw (Proxy)

node-zopfli binaries

Generally you only need the first two. The other two are dependencies of angular-cli that either need to be build or downloaded as binaries.

We had quite some problems when there was reverse proxy in front of Nexus. Or, actually npm did have problems. So for now we are speaking to nexus3 directly.

Frontend POM

The pom.xml of app-frontend is different from your usual pom.

  1. It doesn’t compile any java or run surefire

  2. It will also clean node/node_modules in clean phase

  3. It will download node binaries and npm installation from nexus

  4. It will run npm install

  5. It will run npm run build to invoke build of the project

  6. It will package the result of the build into a .war file

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



    <!-- (1) this is NOT a java project, therefore we do not compile anything -->
    <!-- this is our Nexus3 installations. No reverse proxy in front -->
    <!-- proxy of -->
    <!-- proxy of NPM registry -->
    <!-- location of npm installation within npm registry -->

  <dependencies />

              <!-- (2) during clean phase also clean node_modules of js project -->
          <!-- node executable and npm gets installed under target/ -->
            <!-- (3) First, install node and npm -->
            <id>install node and npm</id>
            <!-- (4) And then run npm install -->
              <!-- The extra arguments specify paths to proxied binaries -->
              <arguments>install --sass-binary-site=${}/repository/node-sass/
            <!-- (5) And finally do npm run build. We do ng build --aot --prod there -->
              <arguments>run build</arguments>
            <!-- (6) Put the build results and all the assets into the war -->


Tool wrappers

After we have mvn clean install passing and building our frontend, we might want to ensure, that developers will also use the same version of node and npm that our CI does. Since we’re on Windows, we’ll set up two cute wrappers in directory app-frontend/node:

@echo off
set dir=%~dp0
set node_dir=%dir%\..\target\node
IF NOT EXIST "%node_dir%\node.exe" (
    rem Invoke maven to install the tools
	cd ..
	call mvn frontend:install-node-and-npm
	cd %dir%

%node_dir%\node.exe %node_dir%\node_modules\npm\bin\npm-cli.js %*

This ensures that when we invoke npm in project directory the version that Maven will use is used. It also automatically downloads it when not present!

@echo off
set dir=%~dp0
REM installing angular-cli
set acli_dir=%dir%node_modules\angular-cli\bin
IF NOT EXIST "%acli_dir%\ng" (
   cd ..
   call mvn generate-resources
   cd %dir%
set node_dir=%dir%\..\target\node
call %node_dir%\node.exe %acli_dir%\ng %*

We do the same for ng. We cannot just run node_modules\.bin\ng as that would invoke with our system’s node. It is probably much easier to set PATH=..\target\node;node_modules\.bin;%PATH% but you cannot be sure enough with lazy people.

For the less lazy we provide following file they should execute when they start a new terminal for the project:

set PATH=node_modules\.bin;..\target\node;%PATH%
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